Five Guys makes a healthy burger. See, there's tomatoes, lettuce, jalepenos, that's at least 3 veggies...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
More pics for nails.
Posted by Kyle at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: 1987 Jeep YJ, flush mount taillights, LEDs, off road
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
This blog is dead.
Well, not really. It's more that my cycling life is dead.
A year ago this weekend, I raced the heck out of the Breckenridge 70, knowing my fitness level would be dropping as I entered law school. What I didn't know is that my fitness would spiral out of control and plunge into depths I've never known.
I'm kind of fat now. Not in the obese sense, but I weight 10% more than I did last year. Yes, that is almost as much as the bike I raced at Breckenridge weighed. And while my body's weight has gone up, my muscles have shrunk, meaning I'm fatter than just the weight gain say I am.
I rode my bike two nights ago for the first time in 3 weeks. It felt...weird.
So, it's not that this blog is dead, it's just that there isn't much to write about. Well, not much that is cycling related. I could write about how many tax returns I've prepared, how it's not a good idea to not pay taxes for 10 years, how we feel like true Arizonans now that our windows are tinted extra super dark, or my lame commentary on the Tour de France, but that wouldn't be that interesting would it? Plus, I'd have to turn this into a tax blog which is already boring me to death.
So bear with me while I go through this 'don't exercise, eat gross food, watch TV instead of ride phase. I'll get over it. And then the blogging can resume.
Posted by Kyle at 2:31 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
I like the tail light one.
Or, if you're fast enough, you could chase them down for 10 minutes and lecture them like someone phast in Provo does.
Posted by Kyle at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
GF Pargaon
2009 Gary Fisher Paragon, size 17.5 (Medium)
Posted by Kyle at 11:03 AM 4 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dawn, Dusk, and Finals

Posted by Kyle at 3:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sure, I tell people that I'm not missing racing cyclocross this season. Given the Arizona climate I live in, I ask rhetorically, "Why would I want to go race on a dry grass field at a city park when I could go mountain biking?" Tame cyclocross over real mountain biking? Mountain biking, of course!
Posted by Kyle at 6:10 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Flagstaff and Sedona
Brother-in-law Tim and I met up in Flagstaff last weekend to do some mountain cycling. We had originally planned to go to Moab, but the weather forecasters thew us off. Cutting 6 hours off of my drive time and a couple hours off Tim's was a bonus too. From the looks of everyone's Fall Moab pics, it seems like we went to the wrong place.
Posted by Kyle at 10:57 AM 2 comments
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Niner Fork for sale
So, rocky Arizona has turned me into a wimp. I'm selling my rigid carbon Niner fork. For a low, low price of (email, call, or leave a comment, and we'll discuss prices in the range of $275) this fork can be yours. This isn't just any niner carbon fork either. It has a resume. Like, winning the inaugural hell-o-ween hillclimb, coming close to the podium repeatedly at ICUP and Sundance races, not winning the Sea Otter Classic, as well as being quite the looker. This fork will enhance the look of your bike guaranteed, making you and your bike look younger, fitter, faster, and crazy. Guaranteed to raise trailside questions and comments including "Wow, a fully rigid fork, you must be so hardcore*, and "how can you ride that bike here?". At which point, you will smile, tell them how nice it rides (for a rigid fork) and how much lighter it makes you. Only you and I will know that you only do it for the attention. So, if you want to be the attention getter on the trail, if you want to be a true "hardcore*" cyclist, then take a look at the pictures below, and let's get in touch. Steerer tube is just under 7 inches.
Posted by Kyle at 12:43 PM 3 comments
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Cactus Cup
I remember reading about the Cactus Cup back when I was like, 14 years old, I guess. It was held at McDowell Mtn. which is about 45 minutes away from our home in Arizona. Ashleigh and I made it out there last Saturday and got a good morning of riding in. It's been 15 degrees cooler this week than last so we'll probably start riding mountain bikes a lot more, since we won't have to get up as early to avoid the heat.
Posted by Kyle at 1:19 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Ashleigh's single speed had a terrible gear ratio (39x18!) and she was spun out all the time. So we decided to get some fixin's. The handlebar is a downhill bar and I had to cut almost 7 inches off of it!
Posted by Kyle at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We made it out to Flagstaff for Labor Day Weekend. And we got on our mountain bikes which was excellent. We had a good ride in the hills. We were climbing up and I was thinking, 'oh man this is great I haven't gotten out of shape because I can hammer up these climbs'; then we came down and I was in that awkward too-fast-to-pedal-but-too-slow-to-be-fast place that you get in sometimes on a single speed. It was then I realized that this wasn't Dry Canyon or the altar. It was still a blast, it just wasn't Utah steep. Which is probably a good thing. There were some good technical sections and I'm sure we'll be there again soon.
Posted by Kyle at 1:43 PM 3 comments