Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Computer Dependent

So, I'm pretty good with the google. Or at least people think I am. At my last computer using job I always got asked to google something or other. Anyway, the internets are pretty rad since nowadays you can get info on just about anything in just a few clicks.

Well, yesterday afternoon I was looking for the marinade for some chicken. I knew it was in one of our cupboards, but Ashleigh manages that space and I had no idea where it was. Heck, I didn't even know if it was a mix or in a bottle. After a very casual glance in the most likely spots, I erroneously realized that I could just google it. "Dear google, where in the kitchen is the marinade?"

I was halfway to the computer before I realized that the computer wasn't going to help me with this one. Although I'm sure the interwebs could have found it a lot quicker than I did.


Tim said...

once in a while a I catch myself trying to rewind the radio, as if it is hooked up to my Tivo